Reporting Absences
Regular and prompt attendance is important for student success.
If a student will be absent from school, the office must be notified before 9 a.m. If not, a parent/guardian will be contacted to verify a child’s absence. Please contact the office via e-mail or by calling (920) 852-5475.
Promptness to class is also very important. When students arrive late they must report to the school office and sign in. Truancy charges will be filed if tardiness or absences exceed state statutes and local ordinances.
Request for Student Absence
If you are planning to take a family trip when school is in session, please complete the request for student absence form that is available in the office, online, or from the classroom teacher. This form will need to be completed by a parent or guardian and returned to the office one week in advance of the absence.
The teacher will prepare assignments to be completed during the vacation. In some instances, make-up work may need to be assigned when the student returns to school. The use of this form will assist in the appropriate preparations for the absence.